I am participating in the FF BOM -- see button on sidebar -- and so far am working on blocks 1 and 2. I am using the Inklingo 1/2" Hex Collection from here to print the little hexies and make my blocks.
This first pic shows the hexies sewn together, appliqued to their b/g square, and the first part of the embroidery completed:
How I decided to make my blocks:
I printed 1/2" hexies on the wrong side of fabric using Inklingo and then sewed seven of them together into a hexie 'flower.'
Next I printed off the top part of page 305 in the Inklingo Collection that has an outline of 7-connected-hexies to be used as a quilting pattern and printed it onto FP; ironed this design to another small piece of FP [to make it double strength]; then cut on the outside lines... voila! A perfect template of a completed hexie in the size I wanted! See it inside the red hexie above? It was then easy to press up the six outside s.a. against the firm FP template. I removed template and folded the rest of the edges over on their respective drawn seam lines. Ready to applique to b/g block. Although this step wasn't absolutely necessary, I liked having the applique pieces all ready to sew down as I usually carry little projects like this in a small kit in my purse for wait times such as the doctor's office, etc.. If the pieces are fully prepared, there are no surprises. LOL
The pic at right, shows a screen snap shot of the page I was describing above.
Below is the design ready to press to second FP piece and cut out:
The pic below shows the block right before appliqueing.
This process worked well for me. Perhaps it would for you as well.
Tomorrow I hope to get to the store and pickup some white embroidery floss. . . with the tons of floss that I have on hand, I was surprised to find NO white! Oh well, more shopping -- lol -- Michael's is having a sale anyway. *g*
Thanks for stopping by. . . hope everyone has days filled with beautiful stitching. . .
Cyn; -)
Hi Cyn,
Your tutorial is perfect. I am not making the FF, but I am going to give your tutorial a go.
Be Well,
What a very clever idea and great tutorial. It is a lovely BOM and I am still thinking of joining. It is just the lack of time. Hav to think a bit longer........
BRILLIANT CYN!! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this visual tutorial :-D Now I 'get it' LOL... It is a LOT better than what I have been doing so I'll be doing your way on the next one. I had printed out the seamless templates and had ironed them to the outer hexes. The whole thing would be lots more simpler and easier. Cheers!! You do realize this also gives an idea on how to applique a completed Clamshell block ;)) Love and hugs Ellyx
Oh, it looks so cool! Love the beads too! I might be tempted!! You are BAD!!
Love the embroidery now done on your hexies... I got the rest of mine printed off "Having seen the made up project) and will take them with me to sew together. Then I'll just have the embroidery to do.... oH I must get to bed!! I can barely keep my eyes open.... LOVE and Hugs Ellyx
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