Just for fun, cut six squares of fabric about 5 inches [4.5 works, too]. Charm squares are perfect -- no cutting! Cut one 5" square of cotton batting, for 'filling'. Fold 4 of the fabric sqs in half and press. I like to use at least two contrasting fabrics.
"Weave" them together to make a 5inch [or 4.5] square that fits on top of one of the other 2 unfolded squares.
Layer: INSIDE fabric facedown on table; 5" Sq of thin cotton batting; then OUTSIDE fabric, RightSide UP. Now carefully lay your 'woven' bits on top. A couple of pins to hold your stack might be helpful.
SEW: all around edges with 1/4" seam... doesn't need to be perfect. To make turning easier, I place a thread spool at the corners and draw a nice curve which will give you nice rounded corners instead of points that have to be pushed out.
Of course, if you want a totally square look, just stitch corner to corner. OPTION: After stacking, you can always lay another shape on top... such as Heart, Circle, or Shape of your choice drawn on FP and stitch around that.
After sewing is complete, TRIM any bits, especially the corners. Then I like to ZIGZAG the edges for neatness as I toss mine into the laundry and wash with the towels - so I like mine a bit durable! lol.
Reach fingers into center and TURN right side out... smoothe the edges and rounded corners; PRESS, if you like, and voila! you have a MugRug ready to use.
Makes a nice little gifty to tuck inside a card. Can also be used to "identify" wine glasses or drinks at a party, 'cause you could give everyone a different color/fabric. The stem slips into the center and stays on the glass, AND, it will still protect your furniture because of the cotton wadding inside.
This is my first attempt at writing a "process post"-- I took the Pledge recently.. please see the button on my sidebar. [see also: Rossie's, Pat's, and; Rosa's blogs for more info]. Hope you have fun with this. If you find a mistake, please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you so much. Have fun...and I hope you have a great day!
Cyn; -)
PS: You could also embroider the recipent's name in one of the corners... etc.. You are only limited by your imagination. Very versitile project. Fun to do with kids & seniors. I am sorry I can't give credit for the original pattern as this idea has been floating around for decades and no one I know remembers! My apologies to the original creator.
ERRATA: Thank you, Tich, for finding a little error: When LAYERING, put first fabric RS down, then batting sq, then outside fabric RIGHT SIDE UP. The text inside the post has been fixed. Thanks again for your help, Tich... aren't friends wonderful?! You betcha.