There is no rhyme or reason to my process; I just picked up a piece and sewed it to something else and before I knew it I had 31 blocks. My original plan was to sub-cut these made-up-blocks and turn them into HSTs using a basic, neutral, background fabric. Hmmmm. Well, can't seem to find the b/g fabric that I really like. Above is one 5.5 yard piece I have in my stash with a few of the blocks thrown on it... what do you think? Do they play nice together?
Above and below are close-ups of two more blocks with a peek of the b/g next to them.
I'm interested to hear what others think about this. Please share your thoughts and comments with me. I really don't want these blocks to wind up in a UFO box somewhere in my sewing closet. Can you help? I can't seem to picture it all together in my mind's eye. I think it's a great idea... but for some reason it is just NOT "coming together". The idea won't 'gel'! Know what I mean?
Until next time... thank you so much for popping in to visit my corner of the world. What's going on in YOURS??
Quilty Hugs,

They almost look like they want to stay in one piece, rather than be cut into triangles. I like the background you have for them. In your first picture, you have 3 of the blocks laid out across the bottom of the picture, almost like flying geese. Those look kinda cool that way.
I think they look fine with that background, but I'd be tempted to leave them as squares rather than chop them in half. Maybe set them as huge 9-patch blocks?
Sounds like a fun project Cyn and the background fabric is great. I have done something similar with string blocks.....I'm like you.....can't throw anything away!
I think scraps always play well together.
No. Do not cut them. Sew those wonderful squares together and make busy, scrappy, colorful, fun, happy quilts with them!
I agree with not cutting them too. Background is pretty ! Here's another idea for u- why not set three scrap squares with one background square n set them on point to make heart blocks? Have fun! I'm sure this will muy preciosa when it is done :))) hugs
I love made-fabric blocks. I wouldn't cut them up. But somewhere in the cobwebs of my brain, is a quilt I saw once where the centers of the blocks were from made fabrics. It was really a stunner. The centers from made fabric made the quilt. Almost like stained glass in a random pattern.
LOOOOOVE the blocks!! Wouldn't cut them up either!! Background seems perfect fpr highlighting them too!! awesome job!!! I too, save alllll my "crumblies"!! :)
I agree with the rest - don't cut them up - they are fabulous as they are!!
This is what I would do, NOT cut any of your block, use the light background and make nine patch bit blocks with them and alternate them with a big background block. OR: sort your strips from now on if light and dark and sew logcabins with them in which you sew diagonally dark and light parts. You can make tons of different quilts with such blocks aswell! But I would go always for the light backgroundfabric as it brings some excitement in the quilt. The other one youhave blends in with the rest of the fabrics and don't make the blocks stand out. Hope this helps a bit! Love your different strips!
Cyn, when I'm making a scrap quilt and lately.... I seem to be using this technique....
But, my background fabrics are 90% of the time a mis-mash of colors, but in the same family.
For example, I will use all different kinds of white on whites for one quilt.
Or, if my background was "red", then I would use a whole bunch of similar "reds".
I rarely ever have enough of one kind of fabric to make an entire quilt with it. :-)
They seem perfectly "comfy" - you could finish them this way - background fabric is comfy as well. I would either leave them as "comfy" or else jazz them up some way - not sure about cutting them up into something else. I would save that lovely background fabric for something more planned, and use a mish-mash of lights for background/light side of the log cabin.
Every time I offer my opinion, someone says something totally to the contrary and the "contrary" suggestion turns out to be fantastic! So don't pay attention to me! LOLOL
Me again - if this was my quilt I would pick a pallette of fabrics - not just every fabric that needed to be used in a quilt, and make it into a more proper Log Cabin.
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